Booking Appointments and filling out the registeration form can be done through the website now by clicking
the buttons below! The registeration form should only be filled out after your appointment has been confirmed.
By filling these out online, we can reduce hand-to-hand contact and also speed up the check-in times!
If you have not yet confirmed your appointment, please do so by calling us at 780-461-1011. We are open 9AM-9PM Mon-Sun.
Payment finacing options are now avaliable!
Additional resources may be found under the "resources" tab in the top right of the screen.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Bring in any medical history you have of your pet
We offer compassionate and personalized health care
The Bonnie Doon Veterinary Clinic in Edmonton, Alberta offers compassionate and personalized pet care for your furry companion’s .When you are looking for a veterinary care clinic you should be able to count on superior care and excellent service. We at Bonnie Doon Veterinary Clinic in Edmonton & surrounding area of Alberta have assembled an expert team of veterinary professionals to bring you the best possible healthcare for your pet
Once a year, you should take your pet in for a check-up. This will include a full physical exam, and may include teeth and gum cleaning if needed. One of the Bonnie Doon Veterinary Clinic Veterinarians will check the health of your pet from head to tail, and you will be very happy you came to Bonnie Doon Veterinary Clinic for service.
Bring in any medical history you have of your pet when you come to our vet clinic. It's best to keep a journal of your pet's health throughout his or her life, including behavioral shifts. If you have something like this, share it with our team. If not, let us know everything that you think will be important. One of the Bonnie Doon Veterinary Clinic team members can still work with whatever information you have.
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